Understanding STC's

What is an STC?

STC = Small-scale technology certificates

Depending on how big your system is, and where you live, the number of STCs you are eligible for varies and therefore the amount of your rebate varies.

STCs are issued with qualifying solar PV systems and solar panels and can be redeemed for a dollar value that is deducted from the cost of the solar system. (The value of an STC at any one time depends on market conditions)

When you purchase a solar PV system from Goodhew, we have already discounted this value for you in your solar quote.

On the day of installation, you then assign the STCs over to us. Our installers will ask you to sign the STC form on the day of the install.

We then complete the registration of these certificates with the Renewable Energy Regulator and eventually recoup their value. We consider this a part of your install. You get the discount upfront and we take care of the paperwork.