With the technology available today for solar systems, battery inverters and chargers, anyone can produce their own electricity. Our off grid solar Mansfield team, could have a new system installed for you in no time which would mean you never have to rely on the utility network to generate power for your home again.
Brisbane receives year-round sunshine, with approximately 5.2 hours a day delivering ‘peak sun’ according to the Bureau of Meteorology. This high daily average means that an off grid solar system in Mansfield will generate on average enough power to meet small family-sized homes electricity requirements!
Going off grid means that your home will not be connected to the power network, so all power you use will have to be generated alternatively.
Excess power that you generate during the day is stored in battery inverters so that you can use it during the night or times when sunlight isn’t plentiful.
To ensure you are always with power you will also require a backup generator in case anything goes wrong with your system or there hasn’t been enough sunlight to generate a surplus of energy.
Off grid system affordability will depend on where you live. Whether you live in an urban or rural area and your level of power consumption will determine whether an off grid or hybrid system may best suit your needs.
There has never been a better time to install an off grid solar system in Mansfield; with electricity costs consistently increasing you could be reaping the benefits from your own solar power system in no time.
Contact our off grid solar Mansfield team, and we will provide you with advice and a practical solution for your energy requirements.
An off-grid system is perfect for generating electricity for a house, business, or even an entire community, in a remote area that doesn’t receive mains power. And even if you do have access to mains power, you may simply prefer to live off-grid as a lifestyle choice. You can use an off-grid system to power places such as a:
Off-grid solar systems use what is called a standalone power system (SAPS)—sometimes called a remote area power system (RAPS)—that generate, regulate and store energy in a battery bank.
Contact us to discuss our off-grid solar systems—we love to have a chat to new clients and talk through your options. We’re based in Ormiston near Brisbane and have been installing and servicing solar systems for many years. We pride ourselves on our world-class customer service and installations. And once your system is installed, that’s not the end of your benefits—we also provide follow-up services and support for every single installation we do.
If you have any questions about your existing system, are looking to expand or install a new system, call us on (07) 3286 1422 or email us at sales@goodhewsolar.com.au.
If you have been considering going off grid then Goodhew is the company for the job. Gavin Goodhew is the off grid expert and he can talk to you for hours about how it works and the benefits. He absolutely loves to install off grid systems.
As we are both energy saving professionals and off grid solar installer, allow us to talk with you about all the ways we can help reduce the cost of power at your premises. There are a number of ways that we can lower your bills and we would love a chance to discuss.
Goodhew Electrical and Solar is one of Brisbane, South East Queensland and Northern NSW’s longest standing and most popular solar companies. At Goodhew Electrical and Solar we endeavour to encompass the entire package.
Main service areas – Queensland (QLD) and Northern NSW – Brisbane, Cleveland, Bayside, Redlands, Logan City, Gold Coast, Tweed Heads.
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